An endling is an individual that is the last of its species. Once the endling dies, the species becomes extinct. With ENDLING, Rob Heaslip reimagines mourning rituals through dance, vocals, music and design. Popular and folk culture collide in a world where death is tinged with acid pink, green and purple.
Crìocharan - an neach mu dheireadh dhe a sheòrsa. Le a bhàs, thig bàs air an t-seòrsa sin. Ann an ENDLING, tha Rob Heaslip ag ath-bheòthachadh sgeulachdan caoinidh tro dhannsa, guth, ceòl agus ìomhaigheachd. Tha an seann-nos agus an nòs-ùr a’ coinneachadh ann an saoghal far a bheil am bàs air a shoillseachadh le sradagan dathach, dealrach. CREATIVE TEAMConcept & Choreography
Rob Heaslip Composer Michael John McCarthy Performers Michelle O'Rourke, Robbie Blake, Gillebrìde MacMillan, Marion Cronin, Evan Schwarz, Tamsyn Russell, Joanne Pirrie Dramaturgy Brigid McCarthy Design Alison Brown Lighting Rob Moloney Production Brian Gorman Producer Helen McIntosh Enquiries [email protected] |